General Data Protection Regulation, (EU Regulation 2016/679).
In accordance with the obligations of the GDPR, the personal data that you communicate to us will only be used in the context of commercial relations between you and DMT SAS.
They will not be used for purposes outside the scope of the requested service.
The user is informed that in accordance with article 32 of the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 modified, relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the information which it communicates though the forms on the site are necessary to respond to his request and are intended for Ms. Hélène Sergent, as the data controller for administrative and commercial management of the services used.
Information about you will only be collected if DMT has a reason to do so, for example, to manage your application deposits or to communicate with you.
DMT will delete your information when it is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected and used.
If DMT has an interest to keep your information, they will be kept up to 2 years.
The user is informed that he has a right of access, interrogation and rectification which allows him, if necessary, to have rectified, supplemented, updated, locked or erased the personal data concerning him which are inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, outdated or whose collection, use, communication or conservation is prohibited.
The user is informed that he has a portability right allowing him to recover his personal data.
The user also has a right to object to the processing of their data for legitimate reasons and a right to object that this data be used for marketing purposes.
For questions about your personal data or exercise your rights, please contact us via the contact form.